The Pontier Buck – Possible New World Record Iowa Whitetail

Austin Pontier

I know. I know… We’ve seen our share of would-be world records over the past few years, so nobody is telling Milo Hanson to move over…. yet. But take a good look at this colossus buck taken in Truro, Iowa by a young hunter named Austin Pontier.

The Pontier Buck is a world class typical whitetail!

Austin Pontier Buck from IowaEarly rumors put the deer anywhere from the high 190’s to 230 gross. If it proves nearly as big as it looks in the photo, The Pontier buck will have at least a shot at Mell Johnson’s 51-year-old archery, typical world record of 204-4/8. Maybe even Hanson’s all-time mark. Maybe. Stay tuned….