The Ronnie Stevens Buck – Ohio Record Whitetail

Ronnie Stevens Buck Ohio Record Archery Whitetail

New Ohio Record Whitetail Shot by a Bow Hunter – The Ronnie Stevens Buck

Stephen Esker, the Ohio hunter who shot a pair of 200-class whitetails inside the Columbus, Ohio city limits in back-to-back seasons, shared news with Field and Stream of yet another dandy Ohio whitetail that was taken last night by bow hunter Ronnie Stevens. They taped this massive 11-point typical with a green score of just over 196 gross inches and a net score of 189 plus some. After the 60-day drying period, this Ohio record whitetail buck should rank among the top 16 typicals in the Boone and Crockett book, and fifth among the largest bucks ever taken in Ohio.

Stevens was driving home from his kid’s volleyball practice last week when he spotted the buck. He secured permission, set up a trail cam, and in a day he had photos. A week later, and just a few hours into his first sit in the treestand… well, look at the picture. It says a thousand words. What a buck!

One of our clients just sent this story of a new Ohio record whitetail to us:

Right in my back door. I am telling you the next world record typical whitetail will come from Ohio in the next couple years. There is a typical 16-pointer right across my street that will be right up there at 200 inches or more. All I need is for someone to show me where these hunters get their luck at so I can buy me some.